5 Blog Ideas for Copywriters

Let’s be real: 

When you’re a copywriter, sometimes your own website takes a backseat.

You’ve got client work, invoicing, discovery calls, a TON of other things going on. You barely have time–or bandwidth–to think about your own marketing.

I’ll be the first to admit: I have an entire folder of half-written blog posts for my website. If I had the time, you’d be getting two or three blog posts from me every day. 

But I timeblock every week so that I can make sure I’m giving you something.

Maintaining the content on your website is key.

Your copywriting business blog does a lot of things: keeps your website fresh and relevant in the eyes of search engines, drives traffic to your site, and builds that know, like, and trust factor with your audience.

So, what do you do when you actually have the time to sit down and write copywriting content for your website….and you’re just out of ideas?

I’ve got you.

Here are 5 blog ideas for copywriters you should totally steal.

5 Foolproof Blog Ideas for Copywriters

Marketing Tips for Your Niche

Remember: the content on your copywriting blog should be useful to your audience. And as a copywriter, your audience is potential clients. 

If you’re a niche copywriter, you want to show your potential clients that you’re in tune with the nuances of their industry. 

Write a listicle of marketing tips or ideas for your niche, and include how important copywriting is as part of a marketing strategy.

What to Look For in a Copywriter

It’s your time to shine, baby!

Writing a blog on what to look for in a copywriter can help you find clients that align with you, as well as educate your audience on what a copywriter is and does. 

Client Features

Putting your clients in the spotlight is multifold:

You get to show the world the great things your clients do, you get content for your website, and you’re using social proof to show potential clients what you’re capable of. 

A client feature could be a case study of the work you’ve done for your client, a general feature on the products or services that they offer, or a Q&A style blog where you tie in what it’s like to work together.

Your Personal Copywriting Process

Give your audience a look into your business by writing a blog about the process behind your copywriting magic. This shows your potential clients all of the pieces of the puzzle that go into creating their copy, builds trust, and shows clients you know your stuff.

Product or Software Review

As a copywriter, you likely use a number of different tools from grammar checkers to keyword analyzing software. Write an in-depth review of a tool (or several) you use. This, like giving the behind-the-scenes look into your copywriting process, shows your audience that you put a lot of effort into your work, as well as provides a firsthand account of a product or software someone hasn’t used before.

There you have it! 5 blog ideas for copywriters that you can use for an entire month worth of content (if you post one a week, that is). 

Copywriters: Don’t Ignore Your Blog!

Your blog is key to your content marketing strategy as a copywriter. Keeping your blog up to date keeps your website fresh, maintains engagement, and positions you as the rockstar copywriter you are.

Now, go out there and update your blog!


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