So many of your in the Let’s Talk Copy community have screamed from the rooftops how much you love my copywriting courses, tools, kits, and challenges.
And to be honest, it feels a little like you’re working for free…and you shouldn’t be working for free.
I’m gonna pay you talk about the courses that have helped you grow your career and your copywriting business!
For every purchase that you refer, I’m gonna give you a 30% cash kickback on the order.
Yup. 30%.
No limits.
No maxing out.
No upper limits.
Now, imagine that 10 people clicked on your link to buy the Email Copywriting Accelerator, 3 people bought the Power Phrase Generator, and 6 people got their hands on the Ultimate Sales Page Kit. You’d get a cash payout of over a thousand bucks. Just for promoting products you love. Easy, breezy money, my friend.
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